Is Seoul Bigger Than Beijing?

Image of Seoul and Beijing

In the realm of bustling metropolises, Seoul and Beijing stand as giants, each with its own unique charm and challenges. One of the first questions that come to mind when comparing these two mega-cities is, “Is Seoul bigger than Beijing?” This inquiry goes beyond mere physical size; it delves into the intricate details that shape the identity of each city.

Is Seoul Bigger Than Beijing?

The answer is NO, Seoul has a population of 9 million plus, and a land area of 149,550.648 acres. While Beijing is a whooping population of 21 million residents it’s population Density is quite low compared to Seoul.

In the grand showdown of Seoul vs. Beijing, the numbers tell a tale of two contrasting urban landscapes. Seoul, with its smaller size and higher population density, radiates a sense of energy and efficiency. Beijing, on the other hand, stands as a sprawling giant, accommodating a massive population within its expansive borders. The choice between the two is not just a matter of size; it’s about the lifestyle, the culture, and the unique rhythm that defines each city.


Seoul vs Beijing Population Bar Chart

Let’s start with the heartbeat of any city—the people. Seoul, the vibrant capital of South Korea, boasts a population of 9,659,322, a testament to the urban pulse that resonates through its streets. On the other side of the spectrum lies Beijing, the capital of China and home to a staggering 21,893,095 people. The contrast in population is stark, with Beijing dwarfing Seoul in sheer numbers.


Seoul vs Beijing Land Area Bar Chart

Size matters, and when it comes to landmass, Beijing sprawls across 4,055,122.8626 acres, dwarfing Seoul’s 149,550.648 acres. The vast expanse of Beijing’s territory reflects the grandeur of its historical and cultural significance, while Seoul’s more compact footprint hints at its modern efficiency.

Population Density

State Area (acres)PopulationPopulation Density (KM2)

Crucial to understanding the dynamics of these cities is their population density. In Seoul, the urban landscape is intense, with a population density of 16,000 people per square kilometer. This high density is a testament to the compact yet dynamic living conditions that define Seoul. In stark contrast, Beijing, with a population density of 1,300 people per square kilometer, offers a more spacious urban environment, reflecting the scale of the city and its diverse districts.

Challenges and Opportunities

Beyond the numbers, the differences in population and area raise intriguing questions about the challenges and opportunities each city faces. Seoul’s high population density could mean efficient public transportation, a rich cultural tapestry, but also potential strains on resources. In Beijing, the vast landmass might afford more room for development, but managing the needs of a colossal population comes with its own set of complexities.

What is Seoul’s Currency?

When delving into the heart of any city, understanding its currency is like decoding a cultural cipher. Seoul, the vibrant capital of South Korea, is no exception. In this article, we’ll unravel the monetary mysteries and explore the intricacies of Seoul’s currency, shedding light on the essential aspects that make up the financial tapestry of this dynamic metropolis.

The Korean Won – Seoul’s Official Currency

At the core of Seoul’s financial identity lies the Korean Won (KRW). Designated by the symbol “₩” and the ISO code “KRW,” the won serves as the official currency of both South Korea and its bustling capital, Seoul. The won has a rich history, tracing its origins back to the Korean Empire in the late 19th century.

Subunits and Coins

Breaking down the won, it’s essential to note its subunits. The won is subdivided into Jeon, with 1 won equating to 100 Jeon. However, in practical terms, the Jeon is not widely used in everyday transactions. Instead, coins are more prevalent for smaller denominations. Coins come in various values, such as 10, 50, 100, and 500 won, each adorned with symbols and historical figures reflecting South Korea’s rich heritage.


In daily transactions and larger purchases, banknotes take center stage. The won banknotes come in denominations of 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 50,000 won. Each note showcases notable figures, landmarks, and cultural symbols, providing a fascinating glimpse into the nation’s history and values. These banknotes are not merely pieces of paper but narrative windows that tell the story of Seoul’s past and present.

Currency Exchange

For travelers venturing into Seoul, understanding the currency exchange landscape is crucial. The city is well-equipped with banks, exchange counters, and even ATMs that readily accept international cards. It’s advisable to check the latest exchange rates and transaction fees to optimize currency exchanges and financial transactions during your stay.

Digital Transactions and Future Trends

As technology continues to shape the global financial landscape, Seoul keeps pace with the digital era. Mobile payments, credit cards, and other digital transactions have become increasingly prevalent in the city. Visitors and residents alike benefit from the convenience and efficiency of these modern financial tools, contributing to Seoul’s reputation as a tech-savvy and forward-thinking metropolis.

In conclusion, Seoul’s currency, the Korean Won, is not just a medium of exchange but a cultural artifact woven into the fabric of the city. From its historical roots to its modern manifestations in digital transactions, the won reflects the dynamism and adaptability that characterize Seoul. Whether you’re a visitor or a resident, understanding Seoul’s currency adds a layer of richness to your experience, allowing you to navigate the city’s vibrant markets and cultural hubs with confidence and curiosity.

As Seoul pulses with life and economic vigor, its currency stands as a testament to the city’s resilience and commitment to progress, making every transaction not just a financial exchange but a cultural dialogue.

What is Beijing Best Known For?

Nestled in the heart of China, Beijing stands as a cultural kaleidoscope, blending ancient traditions with modern marvels. As we embark on a journey to uncover the city’s treasures, we ask the question: What is Beijing best known for? This article aims to unravel the diverse facets that make Beijing a global icon, drawing visitors from every corner of the world.

The Great Wall of China

No exploration of Beijing’s wonders is complete without mentioning the Great Wall. An architectural marvel and UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Great Wall stretches across the northern borders of China. Serving as a testament to ancient military engineering, this colossal structure is a symbol of China’s rich history and resilience, making it one of the most recognized landmarks globally.

Forbidden City – Imperial Majesty Unveiled

Beijing’s Forbidden City, officially known as the Palace Museum, is a living testament to the imperial history of China. This vast complex, with its iconic red walls and golden roofs, served as the imperial palace for centuries. Today, it houses an extensive collection of artifacts, providing a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of Chinese emperors and the nation’s imperial legacy.

Tiananmen Square – A Gathering Place of History

Tiananmen Square, one of the largest city squares globally, holds profound historical significance. It witnessed pivotal moments in China’s history, including the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Bounded by iconic landmarks like the Monument to the People’s Heroes and the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, Tiananmen Square is a symbolic hub, encapsulating China’s journey through the ages.

The Temple of Heaven – Harmonizing Heaven and Earth

A masterpiece of Ming Dynasty architecture, the Temple of Heaven is an architectural marvel and spiritual sanctuary. Surrounded by expansive gardens, this temple complex was where emperors of old offered prayers for a bountiful harvest. The intricate design and historical resonance of the Temple of Heaven make it a must-visit destination for those seeking to immerse themselves in Beijing’s cultural heritage.

Modern Marvels – Olympic Legacy

Beijing’s modern skyline is equally impressive, with architectural wonders like the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube. These structures, remnants of the 2008 Summer Olympics, showcase Beijing’s ability to seamlessly blend tradition with contemporary innovation. The Bird’s Nest stadium, in particular, has become an iconic symbol of Beijing’s global presence.

In conclusion, Beijing is a city that resonates with history, culture, and innovation. From the monumental Great Wall to the intricate Forbidden City, from the historic Tiananmen Square to the spiritual Temple of Heaven, Beijing’s allure lies in its ability to bridge the past and the present. As a global cultural and economic powerhouse, Beijing stands tall, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its rich tapestry of heritage.

Whether you’re drawn to the ancient wonders that echo through centuries or the modern marvels that define contemporary Beijing, the city’s multifaceted identity ensures there’s something for every traveler seeking to unravel the mysteries of this extraordinary metropolis.

As we navigate the intricate web of urban living, Seoul and Beijing beckon with their promises and challenges, inviting us to explore and understand the diverse narratives woven into the fabric of these megacities.

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