Is Mumbai Bigger Than London?

image of Mumbai and London

The bustling metropolises of Mumbai and London stand as beacons of cultural diversity, economic vitality, and historical significance. In this blog post, we will delve into the statistical aspects of these two vibrant cities, exploring their population, size, and population density to gain a deeper understanding of their urban dynamics.

Is Mumbai Bigger Than London?

Yes Mumbai is bigger than London in Population. Although Mumbai appears to be more densely populated and have a wider land area Mumbai has a population of 32,941,000 as against 8,799,800 population of London. Mumbai also covers a land area of 149,103.387 acres which is small compared to London’s 388,457.07283 acres. The population Density is Mumbai is 21,000 while London is 5,598.


Mumbai vs London population Bar Chart


Mumbai, the financial and entertainment capital of India, boasts a staggering population of 32,941,000. This megacity is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions, contributing to its dynamic and ever-evolving character.


On the other side of the globe, London, the iconic capital of the United Kingdom, has a population of 8,799,800. Known for its rich history, architectural marvels, and global influence, London stands as a testament to the intersection of tradition and modernity.


Mumbai vs London Land Area Bar Chart


Covering an expansive area of 149,103.387 acres, Mumbai sprawls along the western coast of India. Its urban landscape is a mosaic of towering skyscrapers, historic landmarks, and bustling markets, reflecting the city’s multifaceted personality.


In comparison, London spreads across 388,457.07283 acres, encompassing a blend of historic districts and modern developments. The River Thames meanders through the city, adding to its picturesque charm and serving as a vital transport artery.

Population Density

State Area (acres)PopulationPopulation Density (KM2)


Mumbai’s intensity is not only reflected in its population but also in its population density, which stands at a remarkable 21,000/km². The city’s crowded streets and vibrant neighborhoods underscore the challenges and opportunities that come with such density.


London, while populous, maintains a more spacious feel with a population density of 5,598/km². The city’s expansive parks, historic squares, and well-planned infrastructure contribute to a balance between urban vibrancy and open spaces.

How Many Counties Are There in London?

London, a city steeped in history and diversity, is more than just a bustling metropolis. Its intricate administrative structure often leads to questions about its division into counties. In this article, we unravel the geographical jigsaw of London, answering the common query: “How many counties are there in London?”

The Complexity of London’s Administrative Structure

London is not a conventional city when it comes to administrative divisions. Unlike other major cities, it is not confined to a single county. Instead, London is a metropolis comprising several distinct areas, each with its own unique character. Understanding these divisions is key to comprehending the answer to our question.

The Boroughs of London

London is divided into 32 boroughs, each functioning as an individual administrative unit. These boroughs, ranging from the historic Westminster to the vibrant Camden, collectively form the Greater London administrative area. However, this doesn’t directly answer the question of counties.

The Traditional Counties

Historically, London was part of counties such as Middlesex, Surrey, and Kent. Over time, as the city expanded, these traditional county boundaries became less significant in terms of administration. While they still exist in a historical context, the modern administrative structure is primarily borough-based.

How Many Counties Are There in London?

In a modern administrative sense, London is not divided into counties. The focus is on its boroughs, each acting as an autonomous unit within the Greater London area. Therefore, the answer to the question is that there are no official counties in London as we traditionally understand them.

Exploring the Boroughs

To truly appreciate the diversity of London, exploring its individual boroughs is essential. From the financial hub of the City of London to the cultural richness of Greenwich, each borough contributes to the tapestry of this global city.

In conclusion, London’s administrative structure is a reflection of its dynamic and ever-evolving nature. While traditional counties like Middlesex and Surrey once played a significant role, the modern focus is on the individual boroughs that collectively form Greater London. So, the next time someone asks, “How many counties are there in London?” you can confidently explain the unique administrative makeup of this iconic city.

In summary, the comparison between Mumbai and London reveals intriguing insights into the contrasting dynamics of these two global cities. Mumbai, with its colossal population and high density, showcases the vitality of a city in constant motion. London, with its blend of historical grandeur and modern sophistication, stands as a testament to urban planning that accommodates both tradition and progress.

As we navigate the intricacies of urban life, it’s essential to appreciate the unique attributes each city brings to the global tapestry. Whether it’s the vibrant chaos of Mumbai or the orderly elegance of London, both cities contribute to the rich mosaic of human civilization, reminding us that the beauty of urbanity lies in its diversity.

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